Bro Code Suggestions Page 4

# Bros must hold each other accountable The Bro Code - datkingfr1 datkingfr1 +1 # It’s not gay if it’s Ryan Reynolds The Bro Code - RussianFool RussianFool +1 # A Bro can never refuse another Bro's high five. The Bro Code - Scott172 Scott172 +1 # One must never settle for a sub-quality dap up. Dap ups may be repeated until satisfactory crispness. The Bro Code - Nax Lodan, User Unknown Nax Lodan, User Unknown +1 # Bros shall not force their religion onto other Bros The Bro Code - PinkCoatCommie23 PinkCoatCommie23 +1 # A Bro's vehicle must be powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) and have a minimum of four cylinders, turbocharged or not. The Bro Code - sev1999 sev1999 +1 # A Bro does not put a girl in the friendzone The Bro Code - Nick bro Nick bro +1 # Never play online games without bro The Bro Code - Spiketrap Gaming Spiketrap Gaming +1 # If a bro, and or brother, leaks any part of the group chat, or reveals any part of bro-code, they are immediately given one to two strikes out of three. The strike system applies to any violation of bro-code, and if any Bro is to hit three strikes, they are removed from the council of Bros The Bro Code - Brother T Brother T +1 # Bros don't quote oscar wilde The Bro Code - ORIGIN UNKNOWN ORIGIN UNKNOWN - # Bros don't giggle The Bro Code - ORIGIN UNKNOWN ORIGIN UNKNOWN - # A Bro shall never allow another Bro to be deprived of any sort of alcohol at a bar. The Bro Code - BroiestBroOfThemAll BroiestBroOfThemAll - # A Bro always says yes The Bro Code - Scott172 Scott172 - # If a Bro wants to play bloody knuckles any Bro with him at the time shall play The Bro Code - MR.D3ATH MR.D3ATH - # Bro's do not tamper with another Bro's fridge, unless they're acquiring drinks. The Bro Code - Potatomaster Potatomaster - # Always kiss the boys goodnight. The Bro Code - Kit Kit - # All Bros must enjoy and know at least half the words to Gods Plan by Drake The Bro Code - Liam Liam - # Call of duty with the boys is better than going out for dinner The Bro Code - bros before hoes bros before hoes - # A Bro may only wake a Bro up if a killer from a known movie comes to life. The Bro Code - Oscar Oscar -1 # When a Bro daps up another Bro the style of dap should be inferred by the setting in which it takes place or previous daps of the same style The Bro Code - Brocode warrior Brocode warrior -1